So sad, cannot publish blog from phone anymore :'(
- Shazz @ Vodafone
07 Nov 2008
Having a new device in hand with options of easy file transfer methods, photo-blogging has never been easier in my life. Keeping this Vodafone handy by updating my thoughts in visual and texts via this blog.
Just observe the ice cubes in the glass and how the light and transparency play their role in the picture. And the stripes of light and shadow that are formed in the background too. Hhmm.... "Cam na nak explain ar?" Never mind, I'll upload the result if I can after I complete the design idea in my head. "Itu pun kalau terbuat la kan ka!"
Tired mind thinking aimlessly for everything,
- Artzz
20 Jun 2008
Nice place to study and work on my research, especially when the crowd is less. No disturbance from students as how it would be at the desk in the faculty. Even if there's any students who would see me here, they either walk away after greeting or join me for a short chit chat and a drink.
Back to the old habit in university - hang out and study at cafe (while 'cuci mata', of course),
- MsSha @UCSI
12 Jun 2008
The house is cosy enough for an artist to get inspiration for his music... with the balcony facing the greens (and mosquitoes).
New friends with new hang-out place,
- Shazz@ DCmates
11 Jun 2008
Cool pose from Sadat (bass)..., waiting for the evening to end, so that all of us can go home to our little families and kids (except for Stone, Sapet and Kyra, I guess).
Second gig, over..., next?
- Shazz@DCmates
11 Jun 2008