I'm very very very very late today. Got out from the house at about 9AM++. My morning lab at 8:30AM is canceled, but my 10:30AM lab is not and that's the worse between the two subjects - it's Multimedia Programming (MMP)!!!
Rushing all the way but inside I'm so cool, arrived office before 10AM (luckily), and that is already like more than an hour late (sigh!). Went to my faculty to pick up the attendance list, and upon leaving my desk, "Apa lagi aku lupa ar? Apa lagi aku lupa ar?" as if there's something missing from the pile in my arms. "Ah! Never mind, simply lah!" and off I went to the lab.
Upon climbing up the stairs to the lab, "Apa aku nak ajaq ni ar? Apa aku nak ajaq ni ar?" Isk isk... What la this lecturer. :-S "Simply lah! Just check what Flash exercise I have that can be used for lab exercise and new assignment." Be creative, eh? ;-) Hhmm... Gamble all the way, it seems... as usual. :-S

Few more minutes before my students arrive, switched on my notebook, looked at the whiteboard... "Hey! Where's my whiteboard marker and eraser, and other stationery??!!" Ooohhh.... that's the thing that was missing from the 'pile in my arms' just now. (Sigh!) Ah well, let's check out the Computer Support Dept, in case they could lend me theirs. As a backup plan, I'll just have to make do with the projected Office Word to type out in case needed (since I can't write on the board).
The clock showed 10:29AM as I was still checking my exercise files. Good thing the students never tried any of them on their own, even when I've given them long time back since beginning of the semester. "Alright! I'll teach them this (importing video)!" Err..., but I haven't tried this as well leh. Alah! As usual la, gamble babe!! Urgh!!
Went to the Computer Support Dept, borrowed their stationery and projector cable, came back to the lab and started erasing the board, and... the whiteboard marker had no ink! Hhmm... What a morning. :-S Oh well, at least the projector works, sort of. So I just projected the exercise, get the help from the support guy to adjust my projection setting (got problem of displaying on both screens at one time, since yesterday), and the class started... and the bull-shitting, and the babble, and the stupid jokes... Well, the show must go on ma! :-S
All went well, and since I couldn't write on the board, I just brief the students what I want for their Project 2, and promised them to upload the formal assignment question/details to the Yahoo Group and e-Advantage.
Class ended at 11:50AM (earlier than usual). Amen! That's all for today... the class, I mean, it's the only class I have today.
Mindless "leterer",
- Shazz @Vodafone
20 Jun 2008