Monday, August 10, 2009
So early, so empty
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Breakfast at...?
30 Apr 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
When the world is fighting swine flu...
When the world is fighting swine flu, Kota Damansara is still fighting dengue fever... Arrived home with one intention - to catch some nap - and it went to dust when I saw smoke coming out from sewerage in the apartment compound. Sigh!
I had to run away before I catch sore throat and flu from the fogging smoke. I never counted properly, but I think MBPJ seems to be fogging the whole Kota Damansara every 2 months! Hhmm...
Blogging from Giant next door,
- Shazz @ Vodafone
29 Apr 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Dream home...
Oh! That's just what I had in mine as a dream home since I was young... 3-storey townhouse with balconies and backyard, peaceful even though very close to famous commercial area... Sigh!
Dream that remains a dream...,
- Shazz @ Vodafone
27 Apr 2009
Belated CNY Lunch
I guess I don't love my toungue anymore huu huu...,
- Shazz @ Vodafone
27 Apr 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Steak or Spaghetti
A bit dizzy after a glass of long island iced tea (so nice!),
- Shazz @ Vodafone
23 Apr 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Break record!
First time I'm involved with protoring exam for more than 10 subjects at one time.. 23 subjects - 4 for 2 hours, 2 for 2.5 hours, and the rest for 3 hours?! You must be kidding!! Sigh...
Can't hardly see my writing on the board also, too cramp to write humongously... Huhu...!
Could not upload via mobile just now :-S
- Shazz @ Vodafone
23 Apr 2009
Favourite 'bum'
- MommieSha
23 Apr 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The tense

The tense built up in the Exam Hall. Some of the students were still unfamiliar with the new rules.. The latest creativity portfolio we caught red-handed last week was the whole lecture note written artistically as a mineral water bottle label. Sigh! If only they can channel that skill into their study..
First time jam - from all angles

Photo taken around 8:00AM after the Seputih exit towards Cheras. (Sorry, I don't memorise road names.)
Surprising! For the past 1.5years I'v been traveling on this hiway, this is the first time I encounter heavy jam packed, whereas all this time I was so proud that I 'lawan arus' with the jam. No wonder my instinct made me start early from home. Sigh!
Photo taken around 8:45AM after the U-turn near Alam Damai (beside Plaza Phoenix)
- Shazz @ Vodafone
21 Apr 2009